Anqi Zhu (朱安琪)

Anqi Zhu (朱安琪)

A curious scientist with a prior knowledge in Biostatistics.

I am currently a statistician and bioinformatician at Genentech OMNI Bioinformatics department. In 2019-2021, I was a scientist of computational biology at 23andMe Therapeutics. I also serve as one of the organizers of the Bay Area Biotech-Pharma Statistics (BBSW) Meetups since 2020.

I graduated with a PhD from the Department of Biostatistics at The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill in 2019. I worked with Dr. Michael Love and Dr. Joseph Ibrahim to develop statistical methods for sequence count data and integrative functional genomics. During my PhD I worked at the Biostatistics Core of Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center collaborating with oncologists on multiple clinical and genomics studies. I also worked with Dr. Donglin Zeng on estimating and testing causal effects of drug/drug-drug interactions with electronic medical records (EMR).

My favorite statistics quote is “Statistics is the grammar of science.” by Karl Pearson.

Research Interests


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