BIOS 664: Sample Survey Methodology – Spring 2017 & Spring 2018, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Department of Biostatistics
Instructor: Dr. Josephine K. Asafu-Adjei and Dr. Bonnie Shook-Sa
Responsibilities: held office hours and graded homeworks
Statistical Methods for Functional Genomics – July 2017, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Instructor: Dr. Michael Love
Responsibilities: Helped students during the lectures; gave a lecture on github and R markdown
BIOS 663: Intermediate Linear Models – Spring 2016, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Department of Biostatistics
Instructor: Dr. Naim Rashid
Responsibilities: Gave weekly recitation sessions; held weekly office hours
BIOS 511: Introduction to Statistical Computing and Data Management – Fall 2014, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Department of Biostatistics
Instructor: Dr. Jacqueline Johnson
Responsibilities: Helped students during the lab sessions; graded homeworks